Day announced Communique Unify, designed to provide an infrastructure to efficiently manage and unify all digital content, information and processes throughout the enterprise. Communique Unify is built on a common content infrastructure, The ContentBus. This software bus architecture focuses on uniformly accessing, unifying, managing and publishing all digital content via multiple channels such as web, wireless and XML, without the need for the additional, proprietary and centralized content ghettos. ContentBus allows real-time read/write access to any data source, including file systems, databases, middleware, EAI tools, enterprise or custom applications and legacy business systems. The ContentBus unifies heterogeneous raw data from the various sources in a data abstraction layer, homogenizes it with an active common content services, and allows single point of access to any data source. And the ContentBus represents a foundation for future delivery of content oriented Web Services through support for SOAP and UDDI protocols.