Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Day: January 14, 2002

FatWire Launches UpdateEngine6 & UE Studio

FatWire Software announced the release of UpdateEngine6 (UE6), the latest edition of its enterprise level dCM and Web application assembly system. UE6 features increased ease of use and shorter development time for the business user, the power user, and the developer. To extend the power of UE6, FatWire also announced the release of UE Studio, an add-on to UE6 that provides a full array of advanced tools to build and automate Web applications. FatWire has created a free trial version of the new software. The trial software has 100% of UpdateEngine’s features and functions, and is packaged with BEA’s WebLogic application server and Microsoft’s MDBE database. The software will come with a 30-day license and is available for non-production sites, evaluation and demonstration. UpdateEngine is 100% Java, and integrates with all major application servers, including IBM, BEA, Sun, Oracle and HP, and with all major databases. The free trial version of UE6 is available by request from Fatwire.

IONA & Lightspeed Interactive Partner

IONA and Lightspeed Interactive, Inc. announced a Global Alliance partnership. Together, Lightspeed and IONA will deliver a Web-services-powered content management solution that will enable organizations to build enterprise application solutions that easily integrate structured and unstructured information for dynamic, real-time delivery. Lightspeed Interactive, Inc. will build a new version of its iENGINE content management and delivery solution that leverages the IONA Orbix E2A Web Services Integration Platform, providing customers extended integration capabilities with Java applications and legacy CRM, ERP, database and mainframe systems. The Orbix E2A Application Server Platform is available in three editions: J2EE Technology, Standard and Enterprise.,

Day Launches Communique Unify

Day announced Communique Unify, designed to provide an infrastructure to efficiently manage and unify all digital content, information and processes throughout the enterprise. Communique Unify is built on a common content infrastructure, The ContentBus. This software bus architecture focuses on uniformly accessing, unifying, managing and publishing all digital content via multiple channels such as web, wireless and XML, without the need for the additional, proprietary and centralized content ghettos. ContentBus allows real-time read/write access to any data source, including file systems, databases, middleware, EAI tools, enterprise or custom applications and legacy business systems. The ContentBus unifies heterogeneous raw data from the various sources in a data abstraction layer, homogenizes it with an active common content services, and allows single point of access to any data source. And the ContentBus represents a foundation for future delivery of content oriented Web Services through support for SOAP and UDDI protocols.

Authentica Announces NetRecall for Documentum

Authentica, Inc. announced NetRecall for Documentum 4i Web Content Management (WCM) Edition. NetRecall for Documentum gives users security and control over Web content after it’s published. This extended control enables businesses to share critical content through Web browsers while ensuring that the content is not forwarded to unauthorized recipients or unintentionally stored in an
unprotected state. Using Authentica’s NetRecall, Documentum 4i WCM Edition users can dynamically apply access control and usage policies to their Web content as it is being generated, made accessible on the Web or downloaded to a user’s Web browser, and can: establish enforceable information security and use policies, encrypt and protect content no matter where it is distributed or stored, expire obsolete content wherever it is located, dynamically control how content is used by recipients (print, copy, paste), protect against unauthorized forwarding or distribution of intellectual property such as product plans and drawings, and centrally track and audit individuals’ access to information.

Lightspeed Completes Deal With Xerox to Acquire Chrystal Assets

Lightspeed Interactive, Inc. announced that it has finalized a deal with Xerox Corporation to acquire the assets of Chrystal Software, a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox Corporation. The assets include the source code to Astoria Content Management System, Eclipse and all other Chrystal software products. Effective January 1st, 2002, Lightspeed Interactive became the sole source for Chrystal products to provide sales, customer support and maintenance. The acquisition will allow the company to accelerate its domestic sales and marketing operations, as well as develop international business activities. Lightspeed will be able to offer Chrystal customers an upgrade path through the provision of content delivery capabilities, thus preserving their existing investment and extending functionality.

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