Ektron, Inc. unveiled its newest browser-based product, Ektron CMS200, designed specifically for the Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) platform. Base-priced under $3,000, Ektron CMS200 delivers Web content management functionality for small and mid-sized organizations, department-level corporate use, and most intranet and extranet environments. Ektron CMS200 was created to meet the needs of IT professionals, Web developers, Web site administrators, and content contributing business professionals with simple installation/integration; a Windows Explorer-like folder design; user-friendly administrative functionality; and Ektron’s XHTML/HTML editor, eWebEditPro. With Ektron CMS200, the user interface is the Web site itself. Features include: advanced workflow (unlimited number of users, content groups, and approvals), definable user permissions (to content folder or content block level,) advanced check-in/check-out, content scheduling, advanced search capabilities, and simplified template creation and management. Ektron also announced it has renamed its eMPower Express product to Ektron CMS100. This application, base-priced at $499, delivers basic Web content publishing functionality, and is predominantly used by organizations with less sophisticated workflow requirements. www.ektron.com