Idetix Software Systems Inc. announces the availability of the Revize v3.5 Content Management and Delivery System (CMDS). A platform and web server independent content management software built in Pure Java, Revize enables non-technical content editors to manage and change their own content and workflow permissions in a “management” controlled environment. This is accomplished using any device that supports a standard web browser, whether in the office at home or on the move. In addition, the software is engineered as infrastructure software for ASP’s, and ISP’s and can be offered to their customers as a dedicated or shared service. Feature highlights of this new release include a developer-driven architecture, advanced authorization and workflow tools, a multiple Idetix “webSpace” manager, and more. Revize 3.5 is now shipping, and is available to enterprises at a price of $48,000 U.S. with 10 webSpaces included. Education and non-profit organizations can purchase Revize at a price of $24,000 U.S.