Infoteria announced that its iXSLT 2.0 product has been integrated into the latest version of Altova’s XML Spy 3.5 product. XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) processors are generally used to convert XML to HTML because browsers and applications used in today’s market do not yet fully support XML and XSL files. XSLT processors can also transform XML documents into other XML formats for use by other systems. XML Spy 3.5 includes the recently updated version of Infoteria’s iXSLT product, version 2.0c. iXSLT has been upgraded to support Windows NT (Service Pack 4) and Windows 2000 operating system platforms. It includes XSL File syntax that is compliant with the latest XSLT recommendation (November 16, 1999). Other enhancements include the support of XSLT and XPATH Extension Elements; new options for testing performance (“-t” switch); new options for handling external entities (“-g” and “-G” switches); and significant performance improvements. iXSLT is a W3C-compliant XSLT processor that uses files to transform XML data. It can transform a single source of XML data into multiple formats for use by personal computers, personal digital assistants, cellular devices, and game machines.,