Intelisys Electronic Commerce Inc. and Mercado Software announced an e-marketplace infrastructure that enables intuitive search across multi-supplier catalogs without the need for supplier data normalization. Mercado Software’s IntuiFind technology enables the normalization of multiple suppliers’ data into a single virtually aggregated catalog, relieving suppliers and trading exchange sponsors from the expensive and lengthy rationalization process. This supplier-managed content process allows suppliers to quickly and easily post their products to the trading exchange. IntuiFind provides user-friendly interaction, allowing users to easily browse comprehensive offerings, compare items and instantly make purchases from any of the participating suppliers. Mercado Software’s IntuiFind technology will be integrated into all Intelisys-Powered communities. Mercado Software’s IntuiFind complements Intelisys ConnectTrade for electronic marketplaces because it is uniquely suited to searching complex, multi-supplier environments. IntuiFind helps customers find exactly what they want regardless of spelling, terminology or how products are categorized. By using a series of knowledge banks and linguistic tools, the software allows free-form text queries that are correlated with all product information stored in a database or across multiple data sources.,