MediaBridge Technologies unveiled its closed loop targeted cross media eMarketing solution designed to help businesses deliver a consistent branded experience to their customers using both online and offline media channels. The suite, which includes six interrelated components, helps businesses deliver promotions and advertising initiatives with consistent brand positioning, promotion campaigns, and rich-media content. The MediaBridge solution includes tools enabling marketers to manage company product knowledge assets to build a wide variety of promotions from a single-source content database. MediaBridge’s eMarketing solution provides benefits for both pure Internet and brick and mortar companies. By enabling marketers to drive a consistent message and branded promotion across most media – Web, email, WAP phones, and traditional print media – companies can employ eMarketing strategies that are designed to be the most effective for a given demographic audience. Through alliances with companies like Unisys, Engage, Retek, KPMG Consulting, Adobe Systems and Breakaway Solutions, MediaBridge is able to meet a wide range of complex promotion planning and content management needs. MediaBridge’s promo.planner enables merchandisers and marketers to manage product and promotion information. Promo.planner provides a single point for managing: SKU data, marketing information, and promotional information. MediaBridge’s content.server is a workflow, content and media asset management system built on a rich media database that supports cross-media, multi-media promotions. MediaBridge’s profile.server uses anonymous behavior and interest profiling technology to capture viewing behavior and interests of Web site visitors. MediaBridge’s promo.server provides real-time dynamic promotional creation and delivery across internet-enabled devices. XML-based, promo.server supports browsers, wireless and broadband, as well as rich media formats. MediaBridge’s smartmedia.server connects to content.server and makes stored images and other media assets available to the Web. MediaBridge’s approval.server is an internet-based promotion approval system for proofing online and offline media promotions.