POET Software announced it will incorporate support for the Microsoft BizTalk Framework into its eCatalog Suite (eCS). By making eCS compatible with the BizTalk specification, POET becomes one of the first data management providers to utilize an XML message-passing approach to tie eProcurement systems together. Further, supporting BizTalk in POET’s eCatalog Suite will simplify the management of electronic catalog data for suppliers to eProcurement systems, guaranteeing secure exchange of data between online trading partners, and enhancing the ROI of integrating such systems. POET eCS simplifies supply-side management of electronic catalogs by automating many of the resource intensive steps required to assemble, manage, cleanse, customize, transform and transmit eCatalogs to buyers and Net Market Makers. Unlike B2C eCommerce, B2B requires significant customization of the data for each buyer and Net Market Maker. POET eCS enables the supplier to automatically customize the eCatalog content for each buyer through a rule-based solution. POET eCS provides suppliers with a self-service solution for all their eCatalog needs, including transformation into any XML dialect or legacy data format allowing access to any form of XML regardless of origin. www.poet.com