TRADEX Technologies announced the availability of TRADEX Content Library and TRADEX Content Services. The new, advanced content management functionality and services enhances TRADEX’s commitment to providing comprehensive solutions that deliver fast and cost effective time to market in vertical marketplaces and ebusiness portals. TRADEX has chosen ec-Content as a partner in developing these new offerings. TRADEX Content Solutions offer a Content Library and customized Content Services. The TRADEX Content Library, a portfolio of predefined content databases in eight industry categories, contains data on more than 5 million items from 6,000 manufacturers. These databases are created using a supplier neutral approach comprised of a predefined base of manufacturers’ data along with the capability to quickly add a marketplace specific layer, consisting of supplier/buyer content, i.e. contracted pricing. TRADEX Content Services offer Consulting Services — advice on the design and implementation of the content management process; Content Creation Services — providing the resources and tools required to develop and maintain new content databases; and Content Hosting — including hosting and maintenance of databases.