Transparent Language, Inc., announced the launch of, a free website designed to translate text and foreign language web pages from English to Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese, as well as to English from Spanish, French and German. uses the TranscendRT natural language translation engine. is a straightforward site for rapid translations where users can obtain the meaning or “gist” of foreign language text and web pages. Users log onto and type or paste text directly into a translation box, select a language from the pull-down menu to translate the text to, and then simply click the “translate” button. The translation is completed within seconds. Similarly, web pages are translated by typing or pasting the URL of the web page to be translated, selecting the language for translation and clicking the “translate” button. The translated web page text is displayed while retaining the site’s original formatting and graphics. Collaborating with Transparent Language is interested in working with other companies to bring translation capabilities to their web sites. Any company interested in discussing a possible collaboration with should e-mail Transparent Language at