PHT Corp. announced the development of Version 4.0 of its PlexxNet Clinical Network, a web-based, paperless system for direct data capture, data and trial management that supports the full life cycle of clinical trials. This newest version of PlexxNet, with delivery expected in the fourth quarter, is the first system in the clinical trials industry to use XML to enable increased data interchange, archiving, storage, and management. To help define the prototype model for use of XML in clinical trials data capture, PHT has formed a strategic partnership with Lincoln Technologies, Inc., a Boston-area consulting firm led by Chan Russell and David Fram, who developed the first version of Clintrial. PHT and Lincoln Technologies are jointly developing a new DTD for the clinical trials market. In turn, PHT and Lincoln will make the DTD available to the clinical research industry to begin the development of an open and broad XML-based standard for clinical research.