Curated for content, computing, and digital experience professionals

Day: January 24, 1999

Corel selects Verity HTML Export for new office suite publishing product

Verity, Inc. and Corel Corp. announced an OEM agreement involving Verity’s HTML Export technology. Corel is embedding Verity HTML Export in its new, knowledge publishing application, code-named NetDocs, which will be included in part of Corel’s upcoming version of WordPerfect Office 2000 Professional. HTML Export is designed to provide conversion of business documents into HTML for Web publishing. Verity HTML Export allows an organization to publish and view documents from a standard Web browser by regenerating files into HTML from their native formats, without requiring an HTML editor or the original application that created them. It is designed to enable Corel users to conveniently convert documents to HTML from within the application’s “save as” feature.,

PC DOCS/Fulcrum launches Knowledge Base 32 precedent management solution

PC DOCS/Fulcrum also announced the release of KNOWLEDGE Base32, its new “precedent management” business application. An extension to DOCS Open, KNOWLEDGE Base32 (KB32) goes beyond document management technology to give attorneys the ability to create and manage a library of their intellectual assets – documents that hold historical knowledge, legal know-how, or judgements which have set precedents. In the precedent library, these documents are continually stored, reviewed, and approved by people selected from within the firm.

PC DOCS/Fulcrum unveils new enterprise table of contents

PC DOCS/Fulcrum, announced the Enterprise Table of Contents (ETOC), a new component to be featured in upcoming versions of the DOCSFulcrum enterprise knowledge management system. ETOC technology allows users to browse a hierarchy of all information available in an enterprise — similar to the table of contents in a book – by employing a neural network-based content analysis technology to automatically classify information from a variety of different sources and repositories. This eliminates the primary difficulty of not knowing precisely what to look for or where in the network to start looking for knowledge that matters to the user. Information is pulled from file systems, Microsoft Exchange, Lotus Notes, databases, document indexes, and other information systems available to DOCSFulcrum.

NetRight Technologies and LEXIS-NEXIS Announce exclusive partnership

NetRight Technologies also announced a partnership with LEXIS-NEXIS, the world’s leading provider of enhanced information services for online, Internet, CD-ROM and hardcopy formats, to integrate document management and online research tools for legal professionals. Users of NetRight’s iManage document management system will now have a “button” from which they can launch the LEXIS-NEXIS on-line research tool directly from iManage. Once information is located in LEXIS-NEXIS it can then be downloaded into iManage. After the document is imported into iManage it can be stored, retrieved and edited.,

NetRight introduces Microsoft Outlook client for iManage

NetRight Technologies has introduced a Microsoft Outlook integration client for iManage. This new interface enables integration between the iManage document management system (DMS) and Outlook, Microsoft’s messaging and workgroup interface. Using the Outlook client, users can perform many of the familiar Microsoft Outlook tasks on documents stored in the DMS. For example, users can now sort documents based upon their status (checked-in or checked-out), who checked them out, and apply Outlook rules. The expanded search capabilities of DMS are made available through the usual search dialogs. Users can also move mail messages and attachments straight into the DMS without the need for a separate interface or application. The new Outlook client also enables users to e-mail iManage documents as links or attachments. Features of Outlook such as “drag and drop” functionality including importing and exporting are also included in the new client.

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