Chair: Frank Gilbane
management has become a core requirement of all businesses, and
is now necessary across all corporate functions. Most mid- to
large-size companies have implemented at least one content management
system, and larger companies have multiple systems in place.
are usually focused on either Web content, or documents, or digital
assets, or XML data. However, companies recognize they often
to integrate different types of content from multiple repositories,
as well as data from other enterprise applications, in order
achieve the business benefits they had envisioned. This integration
requirement means that content management initiatives need to
consider both the specific requirements of individual applications,
and the broader IT requirement to provide infrastructure support
for integrating content across multiple applications. Our conference
will help you with both project issues and strategies.
dramatic and continuing proliferation of content management technologies
guarantees that it will remain a challenge to keep up with the
product technology, market landscape, best practices, and newly
uncovered business benefits of content management for some time.
The only way to keep ahead of the competitive curve and gain the
benefits of content management without undue risk is to learn
from the experiences of current, expert, and objective practitioners.
Our conference brings you this expertise.
should attend:
- IT Strategists,
Managers, Staff
- Content
Management Project Managers
- Content
Management System Designers
- Intranet,
Internet, Extranet, Portal Managers
- Information
Architects / Knowledge Managers
- Webmasters,
Developers, and Administrators
- Business,
Market, and Technology Analysts
- Consultants
and Integrators
- Marketing
and Product Executives
the attendee will take away from the program:
benefit from an unbiased, deep, and up-to-date understanding of
content management technologies, vendors, trends, and best practices,
from the most experienced and respected experts in the field.
Our speakers have implemented every kind of CM system across all
industries, and have written the books that others depend on.
They can help you get started, make vendor choices, benchmark
your progress, or make strategic decisions. Project managers and
implementers will learn from other's experiences, IT strategists
will be able to make informed decisions, especially concerning
integration, and business managers will understand what can be
accomplished with content management technology today and what
their competition might already be deploying.
Panel - Interact with the Industry Experts
9/9, 8:30am–10:00am
Moderator: Frank Gilbane, Gilbane Report
Panelists: Steve Ashley, Robert Baird & Co.;
Bob Boiko, University of Washington iSchool; Howard Shao, Documentum;
Leif Pedersen, Vignette
Our annual opening plenary panel looks at the big issues affecting
content management strategies, including trends in the market,
technology, and best practices. Frank Gilbane will moderate a
keynote panel of content management thought leaders debating content
management vs. enterprise content management, the role of database
platforms, application servers, portals, open source, information
integration, Web services, and other infrastructure technologies
critical to content management strategies. We'll also look at
upcoming technologies, market consolidation and the tough issues
facing both vendors and users, and make predictions about the
next 12-18 months. This panel is designed for anyone with a stake
in content management whether project manager, business manager,
IT strategist, consultant, integrator, market or financial analyst,
or vendor, and will provide an informed context for what you will
hear in the rest of the conference and see in the exhibition.
Content Management
Projects Track:
Track Co-chairs:
Bill Trippe, Gilbane Report,
Tony Bryne, CMSWatch
Our Projects
track focuses on the issues you face during the lifecycle of a
content management project: from initial requirements definition,
to vendor and tool selection, to content and metadata modeling,
to rollout, to ongoing management and technology refreshment.
The topics are relevant to both enterprise content management
projects as well as departmental projects. Sessions will cover
issues important to those just starting their first content management
project, and to experienced veterans who need to keep up with
the latest practices.
Track Session Descriptions:
Can We All Just Agree on How to Evaluate a CMS?
Tuesday, 9/9, 10:30am–12:00pm
Moderator: Bob Boiko, University of Washington iSchool
Panelists: Bob Doyle, CMS Review; Tony Byrne,
CMS Watch; Brendan Quinn, BBC; Tim Hess, ThomasTech
Businesses would love to have a standard set of questions that
they can use to compare and evaluate a set of content management
systems. CMS vendors would love to be able provide fast, high
quality answers to the blizzard of questions that customers ask.
In this session representatives from the user, vendor, and solution
provider communities will solicit ideas, share their opinions
on CMS evaluation criteria, and describe available tools.
Planning & Choosing a CMS
Tuesday, 9/9, 2:00pm–3:00pm
Moderator: Bill Trippe, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Rita Warren, ZiaContent; Dana Hallman,
US General Services Administration
A content
management system is a critical investment, especially since businesses
need to integrate content management with other core business
applications. This session will help you get started by providing
guidance on how to determine the scope & purpose of a CMS,
what types of CMSs are available, the trade-offs between building
and buying, which organizations should be involved in choosing
and owning a CMS, and how you should develop a list of requirements
and a list of potential vendors.
Are You Ready for Content Management?
Tuesday, 9/9, 3:15pm–4:15pm
Moderator: Bill Trippe, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Tina Hedlund, Comtech Services; Lisa
Welchman, WebCMS
A key, and often under-planned for, ingredient for a successful
content management deployment, is preparing the multiple stakeholders
in your organization for what's coming and how it will affect
the way they work. Content management requires change, which needs
to be carefully managed. This session will provide guidance on
the level of technological sophistication and organizational maturity
that are optimal for a low risk/high return CM implementation,
how to prepare your organization, and what kinds of organizations
are the most successful.
Competitive Content Analysis: A Methodology & Case Study
Tuesday, 9/9, 4:30pm–5:30pm
Moderator: Bob Boiko, University of Washington iSchool
Speaker: Fay Mark, Verisign
Are you looking for a way to ground your CMS system in solid business
justifications? Are you unsure exactly what content is most important
for you to manage? This session will describe a method for determining
content management best practices for your site based on a simple
yet effective analysis of your current site and those of your
competitors. The analysis quickly tells you what your content
types should be and how they should be presented.
Content management strategies for multi-channel delivery
Wednesday, 9/10, 8:30am–10:00am
Moderator: Elizabeth Gooding, Art Plus Technology
Speakers: Luke Cavanagh, IKEA; Darrell Delahoussaye,
Bechtel Corporation
Delivering content through multiple channels has been critical
for many business applications since the early days of electronic
documents. Today, achieving anticipated ROI often requires multi-channel
delivery even though it can be difficult and costly to implement.
Even combining a Web and print channel can be a major challenge.
This session will help you understand why it is so hard, who is
doing it today, and what the best practices are.
The Role of XML in Content Management
Wednesday, 9/10, 10:30am–12:00pm
Moderator: Sebastian Holst, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Lauren Wood, Textuality; Vernon Imrich,
It is almost inconceivable for an enterprise content management
strategy not to include XML. But just what should its role be?
Should content be stored in XML or just shared in XML? Should
XML be used for metadata only, content, or both? Or should XML
just be used as Web service plumbing? In this session attendees
learn what businesses are doing today with XML and enterprise
content management, and how to think about the different roles
XML can or should play in their own environment.
Content Models & Information Architectures
Wednesday, 9/10, 2:00pm–3:00pm
Moderator: Bob Doyle, CMS Review, Skybuilders
Speakers: Ann Rockley, The Rockley Group; Victor
Lombardi, AIG
It is tempting for businesses to look, at and even choose, content
management technology first, and relegate the difficult task of
analyzing and organizing the content that needs to be managed
to an "implementation detail". Such a "detail"
determines whether CMS deployment is a success or failure. Both
enterprise information architectures and content models for specific
business functions need to be developed if you expect efficient
use and reuse of content. Learn what you need to do and how to
get started in this session.
Electronic Forms & Content Management
Wednesday, 9/10, 3:15pm–4:15pm
Moderator: Sebastian Holst, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Chuck Myers, Adobe
There is a wide range of electronic form solutions available today,
ranging from simple scripts packaged with mass market web publishing
software to very specialized industrial strength applications
for forms-intensive industries coming from older document management
systems. However, implementing a modern forms solution for a departmental
application or small company seems to have been forgotten, and
companies use a hodge-podge of technologies for building and deploying
forms applications. Electronic forms will be very big once they
are easy to create, modify, and integrate into larger enterprise
applications. Microsoft and Adobe are both targeting this space
and looking for huge market share of this forgotten middle market,
and ECM vendors are acquiring or partnering with electronic form
software vendors to round out their offerings and protect their
turf. There is a lot you need to pay attention to here. This session
will help you understand the landscape of current capabilities
and provide insight into what will be available soon.
Beat the Clock with A CMS Vendor
Wednesday, 9/10, 4:30pm–5:30pm
Moderator: Tony Byrne, CMS Watch
Speakers: Whitney Tidmarsh, Documentum; Michael
Meadows, GlobalSCAPE; Dan Ryan, Stellent; Vernon Imrich, Percussion;
John Girard, Clickability
In this lively session a representative group of content management
vendors will be asked a question by an expert CMS consultant and
each given one minute to respond in turn before a buzzer goes
off. If you prefer immediate, succinct answers to your questions
over mining through piles of literature or sitting through presentations
or demos this is the session for you.
Content Management
Strategies Track:
Holst, Gilbane Report
Our Strategies
track looks beyond individual content management projects to issues
that are important to multiple CM projects and to other business
applications. Achieving many of the benefits of content management
requires a content-aware IT infrastructure that supports integration
among a variety of enterprise applications and repositories. This
means there are important strategic and architectural decisions
to be made about the role of database platforms, application servers,
web services, portal and enterprise search tools, information
architectures, and development tools. This track will help you
formulate or fine tune your content management strategy for the
Track Session Descriptions:
Enterprise Search: What's New & How it Relates to Content
Tuesday, 9/9, 10:30am–12:00pm
Moderator: Avi Rappoport, Search Tools Consulting
Speakers: Phil Green, Inmagic; Zubair Talib,
i411; Steve Kusmer, Atomz; Derek Murphy, ISYS; David Bercovich,
Study after study shows that users don't find what they need-knowledge
workers re-create existing content more often than they create
original work, and business decisions are made with incomplete
information. This session will explore how enterprise search engines
are addressing these problems, how they relate to content management,
how Web search technology fits in, what the best practices are,
what's hot, and what's coming up in enterprise search.
Content Management & Portals
Tuesday, 9/9, 2:00pm–3:00pm
Sebastian Holst, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Rob Perry, Vignette; Glenn Kelman,
Enterprise portals have grown to be wildly popular over the last
few years, so it may seem strange that there are no completely
pure-play portal vendors left. They have all been acquired or
have added products to their portal offering. Companies now build
portals using a variety of tools and infrastructure technologies.
However, there is a special relation between content management
and portals and many, perhaps most, existing corporate portals
were built largely with CM technology. This session will explore
when to build a portal on a CMS, and what role a CMS should play
in an enterprise portal implmentation.
Do You Need Enterprise Content Management, or WCM, DAM, DM, KM,
PDM, or ?M
Tuesday, 9/9, 3:15pm–4:15pm
Moderator: Sebastian Holst, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Tony Freeman, Deepbridge; Tony Byrne,
CMS Watch
Content Management (ECM) is what most of the largest CMS vendors
say they offer these days. Usually this means they provide solutions
for managing a variety of content types, including Web content,
documents, rich media, product data, etc. Sometimes their solutions
involve a single product and sometimes multiple products. Strategists
need to consider when to choose a "best-of-breed" approach
over an integrated suite or monolithic solution and how these
similar repository solutions relate to each other and will evolve.
In this session experienced practitioners will answer theses questions
and share what companies are actually implementing, what their
experiences have been, and what you should do.
Open Source Content Management
Tuesday, 9/9, 4:30pm–5:30pm
Moderator: Bill Trippe, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Michael Wechner, OSCOM; Steven Gentner,
CrownePeak; Detlef Kamps, RedDot
There are dozens of open source content management products and
tools available today, and even an international association to
promote them. Most companies who decide to build their own CMS
use some open source technology, and many businesses that rely
on commercial xontent management product also use, or integrate
with some open source tools. In this session representatives from
the open source and commercial vendor communities will each discuss
their views on the pros and cons of an open source content management
Content Integration & Information Integration
Wednesday, 9/10, 8:30am–10:00am
Moderator: Sebastian Holst, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Dan Harple, Context Media; Suzanne
Larabie, Pat Shannon, ChevronTexaco
Integration was the theme of our conference last year, but as
an industry we are still in the early stages of integrating the
vast amounts of content residing in a wide variety of data and
content repositories throughout our organizations. This is no
simple task, and new products, technologies, and strategies have
emerged to provide some help. Some older technologies like EAI
and point-to-point integrations can help, and XML hub-and-spoke
transformation tools are necessary, but new approaches that can
support "real-time" content sharing are also needed.
This session will examine the current options.
Categorization and Taxonomy Strategies for Migrating Content
Wednesday, 9/10, 10:30am–12:00pm
Moderator: Joseph Busch, Taxonomy Strategies
Speakers: Russell Nakano, Nahava; Ron Daniel,
Taxonomy Strategies; James Kane, Unisys
Categorization technology is usually used to help organize and
tag content with complete and consistent attributes, for example,
to place content into a pre-defined taxonomy, or generate an ad
hoc taxonomy from pre-existing content. But categorization
technology has many other uses as well. This session will explore
how categorization technology is used to extract valuable content
from legacy systems. Legacy content needs to be broken up into
meaningful "chunks"-not just converted from HTML to
XML, but chunked into new content models. Each of these pieces
also requires metadata to identify how the chunks can be re-composed
and published, and when certain chunks should be presented to
certain users. In this session you will learn about automated
tools, processes, and projects that have converted large sites
without an army of screen-scraping contractors, or expensive programmers
writing complex salvage scripts.
Infrastructures to Support Content Applications
Wednesday, 9/10, 2:00pm–3:00pm
Moderator: Sebastian Holst, Gilbane Report
Speakers: Fal Sarkar, Sun; Bryan Quinn, Software
CMSs are being deployed in many different parts of organizations
for many different purposes, and most business applications need
easy access to at least some content that is being managed elsewhere.
A true enterprise content strategy has to go well beyond
any individual content management system, beyond integrations
with enterprise systems, and even beyond the integration of multiple
content repositories. Database platforms, application servers,
Web service strategies, portal frameworks, and XML messaging strategies
are only some of the pieces of a complete content strategy. This
session examines what a full enterprise content strategy should
look like.
Fitting Content Management into Business Processes
Wednesday, 9/10, 3:15pm–4:15pm
Moderator: Theresa Regli, Molecular
Speakers: Randy Brandenburg, Boston.com; Craig
St. Clair, Genzyme Corporation
Getting content management technology deployed and integrated
with all of the various data sources and other enterprise systems
so that the applications can talk to each other and the content
is shareable is a big challenge. But you can't let it distract
you too much from careful planning of how all this will affect
business processes. In some case the changes could be radical
and distributed, in other cases a carefully re-designed workflow
is called for. This session looks at some of the business process
repercussions of content management technologies.
New Technologies That Could Influence Your Content Strategy
Wednesday, 9/10, 4:30pm–5:30pm
Moderators: Sebastian Holst, Gilbane Report, Derek Doyle,
CMS Review
Speakers: Adina Levin, Socialtext; Gavin Thomas
Nicol, Red Bridge Interactive
There is no shortage of new ideas or software development targeting
content technologies, whether for creation, aggregation, syndication,
communication or storage. In this session we'll pick a few of
the hottest that are relevant to managing business content and
we think you should know about, tell you what they are and why
they could turn out to be important. |